When HMD Global took over as manufacturer of Android-based Nokia phones, they adopted another naming scheme that produced models like Nokia 6.2, 5.1, 8.3, etc. And now, it apears that HMD Global is going full circle and back to the old naming scheme.

The first devices likely to hit the market belong to the Nokia G-series and X-series, namely Nokia G10, Nokia X10, and Nokia X20. These devices are said to be due for official unveiling in April 2021. Why the shift to the old naming scheme? I have no idea, but I am one of those who think that the new naming scheme sounds way cooler than the other ones that have been in use since the Microsoft adventure. I do remember that Nokia also used a 4-number naming series much earlier. Phones like the 9210, 6610, 7250, 9500, etc, come to mind. Anyway, I like this new naming scheme best of them all. I wonder what the flagship devices will bear. Nokia G-series and X-series are clearly mid-range models. But perhaps that isn’t how the new naming scheme will work. For example, Nokia’s old E-series were for smartphones with a hardware QWERTY keyboard, and those were my favourites.

The Nokia C-series already exist as the range for entry-level smartphones.  Devices like Nokia C1, C1 Plus, C3 and C5 are in that class. We will have to wait to see what the premium flagship classes will be called, or how the new naming scheme is applied. More information will leak out in the next few weeks before the official announcements begin. That’s for sure. HMD Global has teased April 8 for the unveiling of new devices. The G10, X10, and X20 are all expected to be announced then. In the meantime, what do you think? Do you like the new naming scheme or prefer one of the older ones? Let’s hear from you.

Say hello to Nokia G series and X series   MobilityArena - 10Say hello to Nokia G series and X series   MobilityArena - 92