Yes; you can now use a 3.5mm audio headset with your Essential phone, but you have to buy a headset and buy the module too. You have to give it to the guys at Essential. First they sell you the phone at a premium price, then they sell you the module to add a feature they deliberately left out in the first place. One won’t be surprised to find that there’s an audio headset lurking around in the corner for sale as well. “Let us just milk those suckers for everything”, someone must have said at a private meeting at Essential HQ.

Will The Audio Adapter HD Module Help?

The Essential PH-1 isn’t selling like that. IDC reported that in 2017, the company shipped less than 90,000 units of the phone. That was six months after launch. So yes, sales have been poor. The Audio Adapter HD should help the cash flow; right? Wrong. If a phone isn’t selling enough, how many people are going to buy the modules? Remember that just recently, the company said they were shopping for funds, with the possibility of a sale not out of the picture? How many Audio Adapter HD units does Essential have to sell for it to make business sense? How many Essential phone users will buy one? Want to take a guess? Let me help you: not enough. If the main device isn’t selling, an accessory is money down the drain. Anyway, welcome to 2018, where manufacturers remove a popular feature from a smartphone and then sell an accessory to put it right back in. Hello, suckers!

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